Family Planning


Family planning programmes in different communities are of great importance. They help improve mothers' and children's public health by providing information and services for family planning and pregnancy spacing. These programmes also contribute to controlling population growth rates and achieving families' social and economic stability. Family planning is therefore one of the pillars of societies' sustainable development.


Different types of family planning methods

Family planning programmes provide a variety of affordable contraceptives. There are natural means such as isolation and periodic disruption of menstruation, hormonal means such as pills, injections and uterine devices, as well as permanent methods such as surgical sterilization. These means vary in cost, effectiveness and ease of use, allowing couples to choose what suits them according to their economic status and personal preferences. Family planning programmes thus empower individuals and families to responsible reproductive planning and improve the quality of life.

It is also important to be aware of emergency contraceptives - such as post-intercourse morning pills and others, which can be used to prevent pregnancy after sex without protective means.



What is the effectiveness of each method?

For any contraceptive method to be effective, it must be used properly. Contraceptives that require a simple effort on your part, such as IUD and sterilization, achieve lower pregnancy rates. Conversely, methods that require fertility monitoring or periodic abstinence achieve higher pregnancy rates.


Can these effects be cancelled?

The contraceptive method you choose depends on your reproductive goals. If you are planning a pregnancy shortly, you may want to use an easy-to-stop contraceptive or can quickly reverse its effects, such as a fast-acting hormonal method, or an isolator method. If you want to prevent pregnancy for longer, long-acting methods such as IUD may suit you. If you are sure you do not want to have a baby at any time in the future, you may prefer a sustainable method, such as sterilization. You may find that the most suitable contraceptive options for you vary across your life cycle


How can I choose?

The best way to regulate offspring for you is the safe way you rest and can use it regularly and correctly. The way you prefer to regulate offspring may change over your lifetime and are influenced by many factors, including:

Differences between birth control methods, such as their effectiveness in contraception, side effects and cost

Your age and health history

Your family goals, such as the number of children you want or when you want to get pregnant

Other factors, such as marital status, partner's preferences


There is no doubt that determining the appropriate means of birth control for you is of great importance and you should consult a doctor to determine the most appropriate means for you. In that context, the Egypt HealthCare Authority aims to:

Integrate family planning services into the State's maternal and neonatal health services through primary health care units.

Ensure regular supplies of family planning tools to State units providing maternal and neonatal health services

Education for young people of reproductive age on family planning

Public awareness campaign on population and family planning issues