Organizational Chart
Building the organizational structure, governing frameworks and management system in the authority

Over the past year, the Health Care Authority has been working on institutional building and governance of its management by setting up and approving organizational structures, as well as setting various financial and administrative regulations in order to control work within the authority and its facilities, in addition to completing the procedures for transferring assets that devolved to the authority in accordance with the decision of Mr. Chairman of the Board Ministers No. 2418 of 2019.

Organizational structures are considered the first steps in institutional building. Where the organizational structures of the authority (headquarters) and the authority’s branch in Port Said Governorate were developed and approved by the Central Agency for Organization and Administration:
- The structure of the Health Care Authority by Resolution No. (153) of 2019 dated October 13, 2019.
- The structure of the authority’s branch by Resolution No. (58) for the year 2020 on April 8, 2020.

The authority has started setting the financial and administrative regulations, the most important of which is the adoption of the regulation (human resources) in the Board of Directors’ session No. 25 held on 4/4/2020; It has been in operation since July 1, 2020.

The Care Authority has taken many measures to complete the manpower necessary to implement its plans and strategy, either through contracting or delegation from the state’s administrative apparatus, which led to the placement of about 90% of the leadership-supervisory positions headed by the authority in the organizational structure, as well as the placement of supervisory and recurring positions in the various departments of the authority’s branch Port Said Governorate.

Manpower and training

The human element is the cornerstone for the success of any institution, especially medical institutions. Where the authority works on the continuous study of the needs of manpower and its provision, and also pays great attention to training programs for workers of all categories; Where the number of training programs from January to June 2020 reached 235 training programs in various disciplines and fields.

Digital transformation and system automation

The authority seeks to provide all services through the digital transformation system and the automation of all services, which is done through full coordination with the various authorities in the country (Ministry of Communications - Military Production - Administrative Control Authority), in order to complete the electronic system with family medicine units and centers and link them to the applications of the departments Hospital interiors, in addition to electronic radiology archiving systems, electronic laboratories.

Medicines, supplies and medical technology

All the competent departments of the authority have made great efforts to provide a safe stock of medicines and medical supplies to cover the needs of their beneficiaries, through the unified purchasing authority. Solve the problems of delays in the supply of medicines and supplies in coordination and cooperation with the Unified Procurement Authority.

Financial and insurance system

The Authority believes that operational efficiency is the main element to achieve the financial sustainability of the insurance system, through optimal utilization of resources, increasing revenues, and containing the cost of providing services. Which prompted the Care Authority to introduce the concept of costs, develop the claims management system for its facilities, and continuously negotiate with the Comprehensive Health Insurance Authority regarding access to a fair price for the proposed insurance services, as well as collecting contributions percentages according to contributions table No. 3; The value of the contributions collected from January 1 to June 30 reached nearly four million pounds.