world hand hygiene

Aligned with World Hand Hygiene Day 2023, themed "Save Lives, Clean Your Hands," as initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), Egypt HealthCare Authority organized on-ground events across various facilities. The primary objective was to heighten awareness about the critical significance of hand hygiene in preventing and combating infections. The initiative specifically targeted the general public, with a special focus on patients, aiming to remind them of the risks associated with transmission and the crucial role of awareness in disease prevention. Furthermore, the campaign emphasized handwashing as one of the most effective measures, aiming to encourage its adoption to mitigate the spread of pathogens and promote infection prevention for a healthier future.

International Day of Older Persons

On the International Day of Older Persons, observed on October 1, it's essential to recognize the importance of ensuring the well-being of elderly individuals, especially within the context of the universal health insurance system. If you're a beneficiary of this system, it's crucial not to simply assume the role of your father or mother in terms of their healthcare needs. Instead, rely on the expertise of the family doctor, who will provide regular follow-up on their condition and offer guidance on how to properly care for them. By doing so, you'll be equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources to effectively support their health and ensure their overall well-being.

International Ovarian Cancer Day

International Ovarian Cancer Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the risks associated with ovarian cancer. The focus was on the critical importance of spreading knowledge about screening, symptoms, and early diagnosis to all women, particularly those in rural and underdeveloped areas of Egypt. By increasing awareness and understanding of ovarian cancer, initiatives aimed to empower women to take proactive steps in managing their health and seeking timely medical attention, ultimately resulting in improved outcomes, and saved lives.

 World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Thalassemia Day

On World Thalassemia Day, observed annually on May 8th, our focus lies in raising awareness about the disease, including its symptoms, and treatment options, and honoring the memory of those who have lost their lives to this condition. 

Thalassemia, a hereditary blood disorder impacting hemoglobin, is transmitted from parents to children through genetics.

Today, prenatal testing facilitates early interventions in a child's development, thereby ensuring enhanced management and care.

World Thalassemia Day
International Nurses Day

On International Nurses Day, we express gratitude for the impactful efforts and dedication of the nursing teams within Egypt healthcare authority.

As a result, Egypt healthcare authority is committed to advancing nursing services through the organization of training programs and the promotion of continuous medical education.

We extend heartfelt appreciation to all nurses for their invaluable contributions, as they are integral heroes in the narrative of Egypt healthcare authority.

World Nurses Day
World Hypertension Day

High blood pressure affects 40% of Egyptians and has acquired the term 'silent killer' due to its unclear symptoms. If left unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to stroke, heart disease, retinopathy, and renal failure.


On World Hypertension Day, don't wait for your blood pressure to exceed 140/90 or for significant symptoms such as severe chest discomfort, difficulty breathing, and headaches to manifest.

It is crucial to regularly monitor blood pressure, starting with visits to the family doctor and continuing at healthcare units and centers affiliated with Egypt Healthcare Authority.

World Hypertension Day
World Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a major cause of preterm birth.

One in every ten pregnant women worldwide suffers from preeclampsia due to high blood pressure during pregnancy and failure to control it. Complications can extend to the postpartum period.

On World Preeclampsia Day, ensure the safety of yourself and your baby by following up with pregnancy care clinics with experts in the field of women's health and childbirth in the facilities of Egypt healthcare authority.

World Preeclampsia
World Week of Myopia

World Myopia Week

Improved vision all day long: A nearsighted patient's simple fantasies

Blurry vision, headaches, and eye strain are among the most common symptoms experienced by myopic individuals, affecting their quality of life.


On the occasion of World Myopia Week, we recommend that if you experience any of these symptoms, to visit the ophthalmology clinics of Egypt healthcare authority for monthly check-ups to prevent complications such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment.

World Week of Myopia
World MS Day

Diagnosing multiple sclerosis poses significant challenges due to the similarity of its symptoms to those of numerous other diseases.


World Multiple Sclerosis Day, observed annually on May 30th, highlights this condition as the most prevalent primary neurological ailment among young adults, notably those aged between 20 and 40. This chronic neurological disorder can impact various parts of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in vision problems, difficulties with limb movement, sensory disturbances, and balance issues. Ensuring ongoing medical care for individuals affected by multiple sclerosis is crucial, with specialized support available through the multiple sclerosis committee at Egypt Healthcare Authority facilities.

World MS Day

World No Tobacco Day, celebrated annually on May 31st, aims to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of tobacco use on our health. It serves as a reminder that tobacco consumption is the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide.

Quitting tobacco can significantly enhance health and lower the risk of non-communicable diseases. According to the World Health Organization, smoking accounts for more than 85% of all lung cancers, making it the most common cause of cancer-related deaths globally among both men and women. Egypt healthcare authority is dedicated to reducing the burden of tobacco-related diseases and improving the health of its citizens.

We urge everyone to adopt a tobacco-free lifestyle, choosing life over tobacco.

اليوم العالمي للامتناع عن التدخين
World Albinism Day

International Albinism Awareness Day, observed annually on June 13th, is dedicated to shedding light on the rights of individuals born with albinism and fostering a deeper understanding of this genetic condition.


Albinism results from a genetic deficiency in melanin pigment, affecting the skin, hair, and eyes. Contrary to common misconceptions, albinism typically does not result in intellectual disabilities., and individuals with albinism generally possess normal intelligence. However, they are more prone to sunburn and skin cancer due to the lack of protective melanin. Hence, it's crucial to prioritize sun protection measures such as sunscreen application, wearing wide-brimmed hats, and utilizing sunglasses or prescription lenses.

World Albinism Day
Sarcoma Bone Cancer Awareness Month

Sarcoma Bone Cancer Awareness Month serves as a crucial reminder not to disregard persistent symptoms of bone pain.


This international awareness month plays a crucial role in promoting early detection, accurate diagnosis, and improved outcomes for individuals affected by bone cancer, particularly osteosarcoma.


Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, often manifests in long bones, predominantly in the legs and occasionally in the arms, with rare occurrences in soft tissues outside the bones. If you or your child experience persistent signs or symptoms that raise concern, such as swelling near a bone, ongoing bone or joint pain, or an unexplained bone injury or fracture, it is important to schedule an appointment with a doctor. The symptoms of osteosarcoma may resemble those of common medical conditions, highlighting the significance of timely medical attention for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Sarcoma Bone Cancer Awareness Month
World Hepatitis Day

Celebrating World Hepatitis Day, Egypt Healthcare Authority is actively engaging in spreading awareness about this illness under the slogan "One Life, One Liver." Hepatitis comprises viruses ranging from A to E, with hepatitis B and C posing the greatest concern, leading to almost 8,000 new infections daily, many of which remain undetected.

- World Hepatitis Day
National Immunization Awareness Month

During Immunization Awareness Month, observed annually in August, Egypt Healthcare Authority actively engages in promoting the significance of regular vaccination for people of all ages. They encourage everyone to stay updated with essential vaccines against harmful diseases. Vaccines offer a straightforward means of preventing numerous illnesses, safeguarding individuals from unseen viruses. It's crucial to take necessary precautions and seek advice from your doctor.

National Immunization Awareness Month
Psoriasis Awareness Month

During Psoriasis Awareness Month, it's important to recognize that over 125 million individuals worldwide struggle with both the psychological and physical impacts of psoriasis. 

This condition stems from a genetic predisposition, leading to excessive production and buildup of skin cells. 

Contrary to misconceptions, psoriasis isn't linked to poor hygiene or inadequate skin care. It's important to note that psoriasis is a non-contagious condition, and it does not hinder interactions with individuals who are affected by it.


World Breastfeeding Week

Under the WHO slogan "Breastfeeding is easier when everyone steps to support mothers’ Egypt's healthcare authority celebrates World Breastfeeding Week which takes place in the first week of August each year, to increase awareness among mothers on the importance and benefits of breastfeeding for both children and mothers. Breast milk is the ideal meal for infants because it is safe, clean, and contains antibodies that help protect against common childhood illnesses.

- World Breastfeeding Week
World Lung Cancer Day

Early consultation with a doctor can save lives. Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. On World Lung Cancer Day, which falls on August 1st every year, the aim is to:

- Increase awareness of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer, with smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke being among the most important.

- Raise awareness of the importance of early detection and prevention of lung cancer.

- Educate people about the common symptoms of lung cancer, such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, and sudden weight loss.

Take the initiative to get screened and call 15344 for booking and inquiries for beneficiaries of comprehensive health insurance. Bookings can be made through referral from the affiliated unit/center or directly from the hospital for non-insured individuals

World Lung Cancer Day
World Organ Donation Day

Annually on August 13th, World Organ Donation Day globally promotes awareness and education about the importance of donating organs. It also offers a chance to thank generous donors for their crucial role in saving and improving lives. The initiative further aims to clarify misconceptions about organ donation, stressing that everyone can potentially save lives through participation.

World Organ Donation Day
Patient Safety Week

Egypt healthcare authority participates in the World Patient Safety Week, which is celebrated worldwide. The activities of the World Patient Safety Week aim to raise awareness and stimulate development in approaches, policies, and healthcare practices to achieve safer and higher quality healthcare for all citizens. This week provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in efforts to enhance patient safety and improve healthcare for all.

Patient Safety Week
World Pharmacist Day

On World Pharmacists Day, we thank all pharmacists. You are the hope that helps patients overcome and conquer illness with your efforts and skills. We appreciate the dedication and empathy you put into your work.

World Pharmacist Day
World Heart Day

The heart is the main engine of our health and our lives. On this special day, World Heart Day, let's celebrate it especially. This day aims to raise awareness about heart disease and the importance of its prevention. Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but with knowledge and proper care, the risk of developing them can be reduced. Therefore, let's commit to taking care of our hearts and cardiovascular health. Start by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Say no to smoking and strive to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Ensure regular check-ups for early detection of any heart problems.

World Heart Day
World Mental Health Day

Mental health is a universal human right. "Under this slogan, Egypt healthcare authority  participates in raising awareness on World Mental Health Day, which takes place on October 10th every year. The aim is to improve knowledge, increase awareness, and promote actions that enhance and protect mental health for everyone as a universal human right. This includes the right to protection from mental health risks, the right to accessible care, and the right to freedom, independence, and integration into society.

World Mental Health Day

Around the world, one in three women and one in five men aged 50 and older suffer from osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones. On World Osteoporosis Day, celebrated on October 20th every year, the aim is to raise community awareness about the risk factors for osteoporosis, the importance of early detection, and the prevention of fractures. Fractures resulting from osteoporosis can be life-threatening and a major cause of long-term pain and disability. Commit to regular exercise along with a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to strengthen your bones.

World Medicines Safety Week

Egypt Healthcare Authority celebrates World Drug Safety Week from November 6 to 12, 2023, by launching an awareness campaign aimed at increasing public awareness of drug safety and its proper use. Everyone must have information about the safety of the drug in general:

● Communicate with the treating medical team during the treatment period to learn how to use the medication correctly and safelyWhen you go to the pharmacy to receive medications, do not hesitate to ask your questions and talk to the pharmacists. They may have additional information about the medicine you are buying and can offer advice on how to use it correctly and safely and understand potential drug interactions with other medicines you are taking.

● Read the information about the medicine:  Carefully read and understand the instructions that come with the medicine. You will find information about recommended dosages, warnings, and possible drug interactions. If you feel any side effects, do not hesitate to report them and seek help from your pharmacist or doctor.

● Take the doses correctly:  Make sure to carefully follow the recommended dosages according to your prescription. Do not exceed or reduce the dose without consulting your doctor.

● Do not use medications on your own: You should avoid buying medicines without a prescription. Before taking any new medication, consult your doctor to evaluate your health condition and determine if the medication is right for you

World Pneumonia Day

The World Pneumonia Day is observed on November 12th every year, aiming to raise awareness about preventive measures against this disease and the importance of clean air worldwide. Every breath matters, and air pollution is a major risk factor for pneumonia-related deaths across all age groups. Let's all work together to promote respiratory health, reduce pneumonia cases through early detection, and provide appropriate medical care

World Pneumonia Day
World Diabetes Day

know your risk .. know your response Diabetes is one of the diseases that significantly impacts your lifestyle. Egypt's healthcare authority launched the campaign "Know your risk .. know your response" on this year's World Diabetes Day to raise awareness about the disease, aiming to increase understanding of its symptoms and complications. This initiative encourages early diagnosis and adopting a healthy lifestyle for prevention and managing the illness. Take the initiative and book your appointment now for early screening. Call 15344.

World Diabetes Day
Nov- World COPD Day

Under the slogan "Breath is Life - Act Early," for World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Day on November 15, 2023, Egypt healthcare authority emphasizes the importance of lung health through early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Avoiding risk factors in the early stages, monitoring lung health from birth, early interventions to identify COPD, and initiating immediate treatment are crucial.

Nov- World COPD Day
World Universal Health Coverage Day

Universal health coverage has been one of the primary objectives of the Egypt Healthcare Authority since its inception under the umbrella of Universal  Health Insurance in 2018. The Egyptian state renews its commitment, as part of its sustainable vision (Egypt Vision 2030), to ensure the quality of healthcare services and guarantee a healthy and safe life for Egyptians, in order to achieve an integrated healthcare system characterized by comprehensive coverage, high quality and non-discrimination. Join us on our journey to achieve our dream of providing comprehensive and advanced healthcare in Egypt. We strive to improve the lives of citizens and aspire to build a better and healthier future for everyone.

World Universal Health Coverage Day