14 April 2023
Egypt Healthcare Authority announces the accreditation of the Isis Specialized Hospital in accordance with internationally recognized national standards

Egypt Healthcare Authority: Isis Specialized Hospital is the first approved specialized hospital to support women health services of the Southern Egypt Healthcare Authority.

Egypt Healthcare Authority: 11 medical facilities under the Authority administration in Luxor governorate were approved in accordance with global standards within two years

Dr. Ahmed El-Sobky values all efforts to bring the Authority facilities to the highest global quality levels. Confirms: Access to accreditation reflects the quality of health services and the quality of health system output at the Authority facilities 

After having passed the national accreditation standards in accordance with the updated version of the GAHAR 2021, internationally recognized by ESCWA, Egypt Healthcare Authority has announced the accreditation of the Isis Special Hospital of the Shortest Egypt Healthcare Authority.

The statement made clear: Isis Specialized Hospital for the Shortest is the first approved specialized hospital to support women health services of Egypt Healthcare Authority of the Luxor governorate, and the hospital provides medical services for the beneficiaries of the Universal health insurance system with the highest global quality standards for women in the southern region.

The statement referred to the total number of health facilities with a universally recognized degree of national dependence in Luxor governorate, which includes 11 health facilities, including 9 family medicine units and centers (Awameyah, Monshaat al-Amari, al-daman, Al-shaghab, al-dbabyah, teba , Al Osman, south Qamula and Ahmed Said), as well as my hospital (Teba specialized, Isis specialized), during the two years since the inauguration of the province Universal health insurance system to date.

Dr. Ahmed El-Sobky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Health Care, Assistant Minister of Health and Population, General Supervisor of the Universal health insurance Project, congratulated the working battalion of the Isis Specialized Hospital and all those who had contributed to reaching the GAHAR National Accreditation Standards internationally recognized by the International Health Care Quality Association (ISCOA) for a period of two years.

The achievement of the internationally recognized degree of national dependence by enterprises means that enterprises conform to the highest international standards and confirm the quality of health services provided and the quality of health system outputs at health-care establishments and their conformity with international standards, in line with the objectives of Egypt Vision 2030 with regard to the health focus.