Pediatric Specialized Hospital)

Pediatric Specialized Hospital

The first hospital specializing in pediatrics and neonatal in upper Egypt, the hospital offers all services for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases specific to children, in addition to various surgeries.

Horus Specialized Hospital)

Horus Specialized Hospital

Horus Specialist Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Luxor governorate, comprising the Horus Hospital of various medical specialties, offering its services to the beneficiaries of comprehensive health insurance in the city of Armant,

 Tiba Specialized Hospital)

Tiba Specialized Hospital

Taiba Specialist Hospital in Isna, Luxor; One of the largest hospitals in the province, the hospital has various medical specializations, and the hospital emergency works 24 hours.

 EL- karnak International Hospital )

EL- karnak International Hospital

EL- karnak International Hospital in Luxor governorate is one of the hospitals with most medical specialties, whether operations or outpatient clinics, as well as auxiliary departments such as radiology, laboratory services, and hotel suites.

 Luxor International Medical Complex)

Luxor International Medical Complex

Luxor International Medical Complex is one of the largest hospitals in Luxor governorate. It includes various medical specializations and operates 24 hours with the emergency department. The hospital is still in the development phase.

 Isis Specialized Hospital)

Isis Specialized Hospital

Isis Specialized Hospital for Women and Children in Al Bayyadiyah, Luxor, the first specialized hospital for women and obstetrics in Upper Egypt, provides services for women, obstetrics and postnatal monitoring using the latest technology.
