
Assalam Hospital
Assalam Hospital

Al-Salam Port Said Hospital is one of the largest and most important hospitals in Port Said governorate as it is the main hospital on which the governorate relies in providing urgent medical care for emergency cases.



El Shark

‏13984 Square meters

‏6992 Square meters


‏25 nursery beds + 2 insulation 13 baby care beds + 1 insulation 17 adult care beds + 2 insulation 8 beds for heart care 40 internal beds + 2 insulation 11 emergency beds Operation beds: 5 preparation beds + 6 recovery beds

‏01 Jul 2019

يوجد بالرعايات عدد 13 جهاز تنفس صناعي. و بالحضانات عدد 5 اجهزة تنفس صناعي.