07 August 2024
Nursing Technical Care Institutes Achieve a Qualitative Breakthrough in Nursing Education

Head of Egypt HealthCare Authority: Nursing Technical Care Institutes Achieve a Qualitative Breakthrough in Nursing Education in the Governorates of Comprehensive Health Insurance

Head of Egypt Healthcare Authority: We have 12 five-year nursing technical institutes in 5 3 governorates in Port Said, 5 in Luxor, 2 in Ismailia, 1 in South Sinai, and 1 in Suez

Head of the Egypt HealthCare Authority: Development of the curricula of technical welfare institutes in cooperation with the Italian project, the University of Sassari, and the Ministry of Health and training of educators in Italy to transfer expertise to welfare institutes at the level of the branches of the Authority

Head of Egypt HealthCare: Application of the latest teaching and training methods through the "Tutorship and Mentorship" system in technical care institutes to develop students, improve their performance, and enhance their confidence and professional readiness.

Head of Egypt Healthcare Authority: We aim to graduate nursing cadres with outstanding technical, technological, and linguistic skills to enable them to provide effective nursing services in the institutions of the Authority and meet the needs of the community and competition in the local and regional labor market.

General Supervisor of the Nursing System of the Authority, Nursing Captain, and Senator: Technical welfare institutes adopt precise criteria for selecting the best elements, including the selection of the highest totals of applicant students and apply the student and teacher achievement file "PortFolio" to evaluate performance and update "Log Book" and another design to ensure the compatibility of materials with the latest nursing standards and practices

General Supervisor of the Nursing System of the Authority, Nursing Captain, and Senator: Technical care institutes qualify nursing students scientifically and practically with a sophisticated scientific and research curriculum through a qualified team and using the latest technology to graduate distinguished and safe nursing cadres for patients.

General Supervisor of the Nursing System of the Authority, Nursing Captain, and Senator: Technical welfare institutes adopt a five-year study with six months of compulsory training to obtain a health technical diploma and support personal development, the discovery of talented people, and the promotion of social participation through community service activities


Dr. Ahmed Al-Sobki, President of the Egypt HealthCare Authority and General Supervisor of Comprehensive Health Insurance and Dignified Life Projects at the Ministry of Health and Population, announced that the Authority continues to make significant progress in the field of nursing education through nursing technical care institutes. These institutes were achieving a qualitative breakthrough in the quality of education provided in the governorates of the comprehensive health insurance system.

The head of the Egypt HealthCare Authority noted that the Authority has 12 five-year nursing technical institutes in five governorates, including Port Said (3 institutes): The World Bank, Luxor International Medical Complex, Isis Specialist, Horus Specialist, Tiba Specialist and Ismailia (2 institutes) are: Ismailia Medical and Fayed Specialist Complex, South Sinai (1 Institute) is the medical turquoise, and Suez (1 Institute) is the medical complex of the lesson basin.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Sobki added: "We are developing the curriculum of technical care institutes for nursing in cooperation with the Italian project, the University of Sassari, and the Ministry of Health and Population and developing the skills of educational practitioners by traveling a distinguished group of them to the University of Sassari in Italy to train in clinical hands-on training and communication skills, The transfer of experience to welfare institutes at the branch level of the Authority, thereby enhancing the quality of education and training. "

He noted that the Authority applies state-of-the-art teaching and training methods through the "Tutorship and Mentorship" system in nursing technical welfare institutes, contributing to the guidance and development of students, improving academic performance, enhancing self-confidence and personal skills, enhancing professional readiness, providing a supportive learning environment and drawing on practical experiences.

Dr. Al-Sobki stressed that the aim is to graduate nursing cadres with outstanding technical, technological, and linguistic skills to enable them to provide effective nursing services in the institutions of the Authority, meet the needs of the community, and compete in the local and regional labor market.

For its part, Dr. Kawthar Mahmood, General Supervisor of the Nursing System of the Egypt HealthCare Authority, Nursing Captain, and Senator, confirmed that nursing technical welfare institutes adopt precise criteria for selecting students, including obtaining the highest totals, applying controls for qualifying capabilities tests to enter the body's screening, and introducing psychometric testing for new students to assess their ability to adapt. She added that the institutes improve students' English language skills by obtaining a certified course certificate in all governorates.

She explained that institutes implement the Student and Teacher Achievement File System "Portfolio Of Teacher & Student" to comprehensively document and evaluate performance, helping to track the development of skills and knowledge and improve educational performance. It also continued that the Log Book for nursing procedures for the three grades, the Log Book design for the fourth and fifth grades and students of the franchise, was updated and approved for training at the level of all nursing technical care institutes, ensuring the compatibility of educational materials with the latest nursing standards and practices, and enhances clinical efficiency and practical readiness.

She noted that Bockelt had prepared comprehensive and varied questions for circulation in periodic examinations and at the end of the academic year, contributing to students' fair and consistent evaluation, and improving the quality of education and evaluation in institutes. She also drew attention to the formation of a flying team to train the staff of the institutes in the formulation of educational objectives, modern teaching methods, evaluation and evaluation, personal skills, curriculum planning, practical training, the preparation of the examination paper, communication skills, and class management.

Dr. Kawthar Mahmood added that training courses have been organized for the faculty of institutes through the technical education team chaired by the authority and the flying team of institutes, including modern methods of teaching, practical training, and team building, as well as the program of preparation of newly joined institutes to ensure their compatibility with the policies of the Egypt HealthCare Authority.

She explained that the institutes adopt a five-year study with six months of compulsory training to obtain the health technical diploma of the General Nursing Division. The study plan includes cultural and scientific artistic materials, including nursing foundations, community health, pediatric nursing, women, childbirth, internal surgical, therapeutic nutrition, psychiatric nursing, etc.

It noted the standardization of managers' and students' uniforms in institutes at the level of comprehensive health insurance governorates and the standardization of records and administrative files. She added that the institutes promote the scientific and practical qualification of students using a sophisticated research curriculum through a qualified team and the latest technology to graduate distinguished and safe nursing cadres for patients, support personal development, discover talented people, and promote social participation through community activities. The institutes won the award for excellence at the celebration of the Egyptian General Nursing Union 2024.